What is JMB?
The Joint Measurement Board was established in 1934 to run the UK’s national scheme for the measurement of the height of horses and ponies for the purpose of description and classification of such horses and ponies for competition. Here at Field Equine Vets we are pleased to be able to offer this service.
The JMB is now paperless so owners must apply and pay for measurements in advance using an online form on the JMB website.
Annual measurements are carried out on four, five and six year old animals and animals over 7 years old who are having their first measurement. Full measurements are done on all animals 7 years old and more that have had at least one Annual Measurement in a previous year.
All annual measurements expire on 31st December in the year of the measurement.
More details on measurement procedure and preparing your horse/pony for a measurement are available on the JMB website